[SOLVED] Qt Close Window Problem on BB10/QNX
I have a problem closing Qt QMainwindows on BB10 / Dev Alpha. I have a parent QMainwindow which creates a child QMainwindow which is opened, used to set some user options, then closed (I'd like to close but not destroy the window if possible).
The window is created as follows::
@gW_Options = new COptions(this);
@and closed by a button on it's form:
@void COptions::on_pbClose_clicked()
@I've also tried
@This works on the Nokia N9 / N900 (screen disappears and user sees the parent window), but on the Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha the child window remains on screen and accepts no further input.
Does anyone have any suggestions please? Should I only have one QMainwindow? Do I need to convert this child window to a Dialog instead?
Note: I'd rather not create the window with Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose set as it's useful to have the window hidden for reuse later.
Thanks in advance,
TomPS: I've tried various other options including: showMinimized(); hide(); parent->raise(); parent->showFullScreen() but no luck yet.
PPS: I've also posted this question ON the BB10 dev forum "here":http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Cascades-Development/Qt-Close-Window-Problem/td-p/1899025 but no solution yet
Update - now solved - see "here":http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Cascades-Development/Qt-Close-Window-Problem/td-p/1899025