Listview grouping of similar elements-
I am a Begginer in QMl, I am using it on a desktop. I would like to group similar elements of a list together and then display it when user clicks on one of its associated paramert
but I want the intital view as@Fruits
Vegies@on clikcing Fruits I want that exapanded slots. Kindly help me with this. I grouped it using section comp in list but I cannot expand the view on cliking. Appreciate your time and care.
No out-of-the-box solution is available in QML for implementing a Tree View. You have to implement your own, use QtWidgets instead, or change your design.
You can adapt or be inspired by "this":
[quote author="dmcr" date="1347976417"]You can adapt or be inspired by "this":[/quote]
How does that help? The link you give does not show a model or view that supports expanding nodes.
@ Sierdzio: How can I use QtWidgets, do you have an example. or could you give me a rough idea. I read this but its too complicated for me since am a beginner -
What I meant is - if possible - switch from QML to QtWidgets for that. But since you want to learn QML, you should probably discard that advice.
Here's one way to solve the problem, but there is a caveat. If your subitem models are big and you uncollapse an item, you might get a subpar user experience as the declarative engine creates each of those nested items at one go as opposed to the way ListView creates delegates them one by one as you scroll. The exact number of nested items when this becomes a problem of course depends on your target hardware and the complexity of the nested item delegate. Also defining that "collapsed" property for each main level list element is kind of annoying, but you have to have it in order to avoid an item resetting to the collapsed state when it scrolls out of sight.
It's probably possible to achieve dynamic construction of the nested items by replacing the Column+Repeater combo in the example with a ListView inside an Item and managing it's y and contentY properties while the main ListView scrolls, but I don't really feel like getting into that type of fun right now :)
Despite of the shortcomings of this particular technique, I hope this will get you started. I added some comments inside the code in hopes of making it easier to understand.
import QtQuick 1.1Item {
width: 200
height: 300ListView { anchors.fill: parent model: nestedModel delegate: categoryDelegate } ListModel { id: nestedModel ListElement { categoryName: "Veggies" collapsed: true // A ListElement can't contain child elements, but it can contain // a list of elements. A list of ListElements can be used as a model // just like any other model type. subItems: [ ListElement { itemName: "Tomato" }, ListElement { itemName: "Cucumber" }, ListElement { itemName: "Onion" }, ListElement { itemName: "Brains" } ] } ListElement { categoryName: "Fruits" collapsed: true subItems: [ ListElement { itemName: "Orange" }, ListElement { itemName: "Apple" }, ListElement { itemName: "Pear" }, ListElement { itemName: "Lemon" } ] } ListElement { categoryName: "Cars" collapsed: true subItems: [ ListElement { itemName: "Nissan" }, ListElement { itemName: "Toyota" }, ListElement { itemName: "Chevy" }, ListElement { itemName: "Audi" } ] } } Component { id: categoryDelegate Column { width: 200 Rectangle { id: categoryItem border.color: "black" border.width: 5 color: "white" height: 50 width: 200 Text { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter x: 15 font.pixelSize: 24 text: categoryName } Rectangle { color: "red" width: 30 height: 30 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 15 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent // Toggle the 'collapsed' property onClicked: nestedModel.setProperty(index, "collapsed", !collapsed) } } } // A Loader is used here to avoid creating the nested items // when the list item is not in the uncollapsed state Loader { id: subItemLoader // This is a workaround for a bug/feature in the Loader element. // If sourceComponent is set to null the Loader element retains // the same height it had when sourceComponent was set. Setting visible // to false makes the parent Column treat it as if it's height was 0. visible: !collapsed property variant subItemModel : subItems sourceComponent: collapsed ? null : subItemColumnDelegate onStatusChanged: if (status == Loader.Ready) item.model = subItemModel } } } Component { id: subItemColumnDelegate Column { property alias model : subItemRepeater.model width: 200 Repeater { id: subItemRepeater delegate: Rectangle { color: "#cccccc" height: 40 width: 200 border.color: "black" border.width: 2 Text { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter x: 30 font.pixelSize: 18 text: itemName } } } } }