Qml image source not taking special character like #
I am facing some problem with QML image tag. this is not taking # in path. Can some one tell me the way to do this. Or any way to path decoding in CPP file.
@Image {
id: bgImage
width: rectMain.width
height: rectMain.height
fillMode: Image.Stretch
smooth: true
z: 0
opacity: 0.940
source: "C:/Users/Main/Music/music/Agneepath#/Agneepath.png"
Thanks in advance. -
"Image.source":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qml-image.html#source-prop is a URL, and '#' is a reserved character in URLs, you need to url-escape it as %23.
Image {
id: bgImage
width: rectMain.width
height: rectMain.height
fillMode: Image.Stretch
smooth: true
z: 0
opacity: 0.940
source: "file://C:/Users/Main/Music/music/Agneepath%23/Agneepath.png"