Accentuation problems
I'm trying to show some messages and texts on UI, but the messages appears with encoding errors. I try some stuff to fix it but nothing works.
What should I do?
I example code:@
CaixaDialogo::getMensagemAviso("Modelo de Veículo não encontrado.")->show();
QMessageBox* CaixaDialogo::getMensagemAviso(QString mensagem)
qDebug() << "Passou aqui!";
QMessageBox* msgBox = new QMessageBox();
msgBox->setText( mensagem );
return msgBox;
@I try to use the QString::fromUtf8() and doesn't works.
I'm using the Default, system etc...
Appears to be UTF-8....I will try... I will need to use the "convmv".
Every single file of my project will need to be converted? Could I change the setting, opening the files and saving then again and the QtCreator will change to UTF-8?! -
This looks like a localisable string, so you should probably use tr() and linguist.