QPlainTextEdit - Different color for paragraphs
I've searched all questions on this forum about QPlainTextEdit, but i didn't found anything about setting a color for every paragraph.
In Docs, is written that " Each character within a paragraph has its own attributes, for example, font and color."
But no info about how to set font and color.
I use
void QPlainTextEdit::appendPlainText ( const QString & text )
to append text, ans i need a different color for every string that i append.
I need QPlainTextEdit because it's good for logs, or big amount of text, and I need to do a colored log for my program.
p.s. tried to set palette with different color before appending, but it simply change the color of entire text.
Any suggestions are welcome.
You could use "appendHtml":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qplaintextedit.html#appendHtml
bq. Appends a new paragraph with html to the end of the text edit.