EventFilter issue : left mouse press is not directly catched (got RequestSoftwareInputPanel instead, type=199)
my name is Helfer Thomas. I am working on a personal project using Qt. I am using Qt 4.6 on a debian squeeze in a gnome environment.
I am trying to filter mouse event send to a QTextEdit. I could easily handle event associated with the right button, but have some trouble with the left one : when clicking on the QTextEdit, I receive an QEvent of type 199 (RequestSoftwareInputPanel). Googling taugh we was it meant, but I could not figure out how it is converted to a QMouseEvent by a standard QWidget.
The following code snippets illustrate my trouble :
#include<QtGui/QApplication>struct EventFilter
: public QObject
{virtual bool
eventFilter(QObject *,
QEvent *e)
qDebug() << e;
return false;
struct MyTextEdit
: public QTextEdit
int main(int argc,
char **argv)
QApplication a(argc,argv);
EventFilter ef;
MyTextEdit e(ef);
return QApplication::exec();
@A right click on the QTextEdit leads to :
QMouseEvent(MouseButtonPress, 2, 2, 0)
A left click lead to :
QEvent(0x7fffb17d1be0, type = 199)Can I consider that such an event is always associated to a left button press ?
Thank for any help.
I received an answer to my question through the qt mailing list.
The solution is to install an event filter on the QTextEdit viewport.
Thank for reading my post