Qmake incorrect target generation
I have a .pro file that looks like this:
@BASEDIR = ../../..
CLEBS *= buildplugin apextools apexdata apexmain
TARGET = maintest
include($$BASEDIR/clebs.pri)CONFIG *= qtestlib
QT *= testlib gui
apexmaintest.cpp \HEADERS *=
@But, the makefile it produces has the following targets:
@QMAKE_TARGET = maintest
DESTDIR = ../../../bin/debug/
TARGET = libmaintest.so
TARGETD = libmaintest.so@Accordingly gcc produces a library. However I want an executable to be produced as specified in the .pro file.
I dont understand why this awkward thing is happening? Any pointers are appreciated.
Thank you
P.S. this is the .pro file for a unit test using qtestlib framework.