First time Installation - how long is a build supposed to take?
Compiling with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express from within Visual Studio Command Prompt
Compiling on Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Running an Intel Core i5 at 2.53GHz with 4GB memory
Version of QT is 4.8.0Building against instructions from
Copious "re-definitions" of _HAS_TR1 macro which appears on other threads to have been associated with MSVC++ 2008 so it wasn't apparent the same resolution would be useful. Moreover, as warnings I opted not to stop the build - warnings being warnings and only being designed to clutter.
Started the build in the pm about 4:30 in afternoon and I am now at my computer, Sunday morning coffee in hand, at 10am next morning and build is still running - 17 1/2 hours and counting.
If builds actually take this long on a single machine I find it curious that there is no table on install page providing ROM (rough order of magnitude) compile times.
Will the compile finish by elevenses? Supper time? Christmas?
nmake is basically the worst-case scenario. You could use jom to build instead of nmake and run several compilers in parallel (using -j NUMBER_OF_CORES). That speeds up things a lot.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1346567820"]nmake is basically the worst-case scenario. You could use jom to build instead of nmake and run several compilers in parallel (using -j NUMBER_OF_CORES). That speeds up things a lot.
[/quote]Ta. Not helpful though as the question was how long does it take of a 2.53GHZ Intel box running windoze and not how many other open sources tools, that I haven't come across before, and probably have to fart around installing and debugging, do I have to install.
It is still running now some 24hours on. If that's how long it takes then I can relax.
So the question typed slowly.
How long can I expect the build to take, using nmake, on a 2.53GHz Widoze box, running on Intel iCore, with NO OPTIMIZATIONS?
No guesses please. Just a straight up answer from someone else who was silly enough to follow the formal build instructions.
You might want to relax your tone a bit. Sometimes people misinterpret and may give not the answer you expect.
24 hours sounds like a crash. I would expect/guess 2-3 hours, but that depends certainly on things done in parallel.
BTW Tobias answer is completely valid. "nmake" does everything in sequence. Therefore the compile run takes longer. "jom" is more like the linux make allowing to start different processes in parallel. This may speed up things significantly.
However, there is no need to do the compilation yourself as long as you do not need special settings. Here is the "pre-compiled binary": for vc2010.