How to differentiate between tablet buttons using QTabletEvent?
How do you differentiate between the pen point and the pen's side buttons on a Wacom tablet pen? In the "QTabletEvent documentation": , the PointerType enum only defines QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer, QTabletEvent::Pen, QTabletEvent::Cursor, and QTabletEvent::Eraser.
Here's some sample code:
void MyClass::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *event)
if (event->pointerType() == QTabletEvent::Pen) {
// do stuff if the pen tip is pressed on the tablet, this works as expected
} else if (event->pointerType() == QTabletEvent::Eraser) {
// do stuff if the eraser is pressed on the tablet, this works as expected
} else if (event->pointerType() == QTabletEvent::Button0) {
// *****I'm looking for something similar to this nonexistent event
update(); // redraw the widget
@And a diagram: