Btscanner example refuses to build
So I just installed a fresh copy of Qt, fiddled with some of the examples, then decided to check out the Bluetooth Scanner example.
But when I try to build it (Desktop, MSVC2008), I get the following output:@04:55:51: Running build steps for project btscanner...
04:55:51: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
04:55:51: Starting: "C:\QtSDK\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe"
C:\QtSDK\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe -nologo -j 2 -f Makefile.Debug
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -Zi -MDd -GR -EHsc -W3 -w34100 -w34189 -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -DQT_DLL -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_HAVE_MMX -DQT_HAVE_3DNOW -DQT_HAVE_SSE -DQT_HAVE_MMXEXT -DQT_HAVE_SSE2 -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\QtCore" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\QtGui" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include" -I"....\src\connectivity\bluetooth" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\ActiveQt" -I"debug" -I"." -I"..\btscanner" -I"." -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008" -Fodebug\ @C:\Users\Spectre\AppData\Local\Temp\main.obj.4052.16.jom
c:\qtsdk\examples\qtmobility\btscanner\device.h(46) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qmobilityglobal.h': No such file or directory
c:\qtsdk\examples\qtmobility\btscanner\device.h(46) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qmobilityglobal.h': No such file or directory
Generating Code...
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -Zi -MDd -GR -EHsc -W3 -w34100 -w34189 -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -DQT_DLL -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_HAVE_MMX -DQT_HAVE_3DNOW -DQT_HAVE_SSE -DQT_HAVE_MMXEXT -DQT_HAVE_SSE2 -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\QtCore" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\QtGui" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include" -I"....\src\connectivity\bluetooth" -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\include\ActiveQt" -I"debug" -I"." -I"..\btscanner" -I"." -I"......\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\msvc2008\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008" -Fodebug\ @C:\Users\Spectre\AppData\Local\Temp\service.obj.4052.31.jom
c:\qtsdk\examples\qtmobility\btscanner\service.h(46) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qmobilityglobal.h': No such file or directoryjom 1.0.6 - empower your cores
command failed with exit code 2
command failed with exit code 2
command failed with exit code 2
04:55:55: The process "C:\QtSDK\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building project btscanner (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'@I performed a local file search on my hard drive for the header in question, and it doesn't appear to exist. What steps have I overlooked here?
Seems like you don't have Qt Mobility installed.
Either install it from Qt SDK or get it from -
Yeah I was looking at that earlier, and it states that it should come with the SDK.
I used the online installer located here:
Is that not the same SDK?Anyhow, I downloaded the Qt Mobility package alongside ActivePerl, ran configure.bat and followed the instructions in the last post located at
It built (with > 400 warnings), but the example still doesn't seem to locate any bluetooth devices.EDIT: I just discovered "THIS": post, which states that bluetooth functionality is only available for mobile devices, not for desktop applications.