Future of Qt: Digia aquires Qt
Digia "announced":http://www.digia.com/en/Home/Company/News/Digia-to-acquire-Qt-from-Nokia/ that it has bought Qt from Nokia.
Some quotes from the announcement:
[quote] Following the acquisition Digia becomes responsible for all the Qt activities formerly carried out by Nokia. These include product development, as well as the commercial and open source licensing and service business. [/quote]
So, we will still have commercial and Open Source Qt.
[quote] Following the acquisition, Digia plans to quickly enable Qt on Android, iOS and Windows 8 platforms.[/quote]
So, more platforms, both on mobile and on the desktop!
[quote]As part of the transaction, a maximum of 125 Qt people from Nokia will transfer to Digia, mostly based in Oslo, Norway and Berlin, Germany.[/quote]
So, at least part of the team seems to be saved, but a pitty that that was appearantly not possible for the Brisbane team.
[quote]Digia encourages all current ecosystem members to continue working on improving Qt with full confidence in Digia’s continued investment to make Qt the leading cross-platform development framework. Digia will work with ecosystem members to secure a successful release of Qt5 and is committed to continuing the Qt Project in order to maintain Qt’s availability under both open source and commercial licenses.[/quote]
So, Digia is committed to continue the Qt Project.Edit:
Message that was just posted on the mailinglist:
I’m sending this to you on behalf of Tuukka Turunen.Dear all,
I am happy to let you know that today Digia announced its plans to acquire the Qt technology and assume main responsibility for all Qt activities from Nokia. This includes driving forth the Qt Project together with the community. The acquisition also includes a part of the Nokia Qt team. Read the full blog post for more details: http://www.digia.com/en/Blogs/Qt-blog/Tuukka-Turunen/Dates/2012/8/Digia-extends-commitment-to-acquire-Qt-from-Nokia
[/quote]All in all, I think this is very good news.
We'll see how it will work in reality, but so far the news is great! Not only Qt has found a new home, but also a lot of developers have a guaranteed job, and we may see official support for new platforms. Brilliant!
Edit: typos. Lots.
Very good news!
[quote author="Jayakrishnan.M" date="1344500641"]Qt everywhere. Let this become true.[/quote]
Indeed. Oh, indeed :)
Message that was posted on the mailinglist:
I’m sending this to you on behalf of Tuukka Turunen.Dear all,
I am happy to let you know that today Digia announced its plans to acquire the Qt technology and assume main responsibility for all Qt activities from Nokia. This includes driving forth the Qt Project together with the community. The acquisition also includes a part of the Nokia Qt team. Read the full blog post for more details: http://www.digia.com/en/Blogs/Qt-blog/Tuukka-Turunen/Dates/2012/8/Digia-extends-commitment-to-acquire-Qt-from-Nokia
[/quote] -
Ah, great! This is going in the right direction.
Lets hope that the Trolls in down under get saved too, then everything should be fine.I'd like to see Qt spread to more platforms, Android and iOS are a good way to start.
But I also think that the qt project must be continued, Qt has to become independent. -
There are 2 updates on Nokia's blogs, written by "Tuukka":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2012/08/09/digia-extends-its-commitment-to-qt-with-plans-to-acquire-full-qt-software-technology-and-business-from-nokia/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheQtBlog+(The+Qt+Blog) and "Sebastian":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2012/08/09/investment-in-qt-planned-to-continue-digia/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheQtBlog+(The+Qt+Blog).
This is by far the best news about Qt we've had in months.
I guess with this announcement, the time of uncertainty about Qt's future is over (at least for a while).
The official announcement's text fuels hopes of a even brighter future of Qt on as many devices as never before. I'm even a bit surprised they anounced their commitment to Android and iOS with their first official statement, but it definitely shows a clear vision of true platform independence - a vision that could not be developed as effectivly when a company like Nokia is responsible for development, that has a high interest in committing to one specific platform only.
Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the effort Nokia has put into Qt within the past years and I believe that it has contributet a huge amount to the successful development of Qt in the past.
It would be more than a little ironic if Nokia's new main smartphone platform ends up being the only major such platform without Qt support...