VisualStudio 2010 - Qt 4.8.2 - Can't build in platform x64 - Please Help
I have the Qt 4.8.2 libraries installed along with the latest version of the Qt VisualStudio addin for VS 2010. I ran a configure of all the Qt code using the x64 version of the VisualStudio x64 Win64 Command Prompt. I then rebuilt the entire Qt solution using the x64 platform in VisualStudio.
I then created a simple Qt GUI Application project in VisualStudio, which built fine in Win32. However when I try to build the same project in x64, I get the following message:
The following error occurred.
There is no Qt version assigned to this project for platform x64.
Please use the "change Qt version" feature and choose a valid Qt version for this platform.For the life of me I can't find the change Qt version feature. Can someone help me out with this because I am stuck?
Thank you.
Do you have a 64bit Qt installed at all? Our binaries only contain 32bit versions AFAIR.
Build it using the 64bit compiler.
I think there was some serious trouble with MSVC2010 compilers in 64bit mode when the list of supported compilers was decided on, so there are no 64bit binaries for windows available.
I have exactly the same problem, I use the Visual Studio x64 Command Prompt to compile the source of Qt 4.8.2. The compile suceed but when I try to compile my project in Visual Studio using x64 solution I get this error (same as yours) :
There is no Qt version assigned to this project for platform x64.
Please use the “change Qt version” feature and choose a valid Qt version for this platform.Do you find a way to fix it ?
Sorry for my english...
[quote author="ChazZ710" date="1345199323"]Hi,
I have exactly the same problem, I use the Visual Studio x64 Command Prompt to compile the source of Qt 4.8.2. The compile suceed but when I try to compile my project in Visual Studio using x64 solution I get this error (same as yours) :
There is no Qt version assigned to this project for platform x64.
Please use the “change Qt version” feature and choose a valid Qt version for this platform.Do you find a way to fix it ?
Sorry for my english...[/quote]
Do you require a 32 and a 64 bit version of Qt?
If I understand the discussion correctly, there is no way at the moment to distinguish between 32 and 64 bit versions. IMHO it is worth a try to limit yourself to 64 bit only. Possibly when no 32 bit Qt lib version is on the machine you may be able to compile your project in 64 bit.
However, this is just a guess. -
Hi, I had exactly the same problem. I solved it by using the Visual Studio Add-In 1.1.9. It seems that later Add-In versions are actually getting worse to use...
Hi all, I'm not sure if anyone is still following this, but I found a solution. The problem is that the add-in properly adds it for Win32, but doesn't for x64. The solution is that you have to manually add it for the latter. To fix:
- Close your solution file.
- File | Open your Qt .vcxproj file.
- Scroll to the bottom and find Qt5Version_x0020_Win32="5.0.1" inside of the UserProperties tag.
- Add Qt5Version_x0020_x64="5.0.1" right after the Win32 one.
Note: My version is 5.0.1, make yours whatever your Qt version is. Hope that helps and happy 64-bit development.
And still it's not fixed. Thanks for the help!