Display Offset at top Qt4.8 OpenGLES
I am using Qt4.8.2 with Open GLES2 h/w acceleration.
I am using QWS with eglnullws plugin (patched by my h/w vendor)
I see an offset at the top of the screen. This is for QtTestBrowser, but it appears for all applications including hellogl_es2
I have attached a picture of this. Not that although it is a static picture, when the demo is running, the bubbles too, do not reach the top of the screen -- they bounce off slightly above the FPS display
The offset seems however to vary from app to app, but is always there
Please let me if this has been seen before, how to resolve it, and also if you need additional info such as debug prints in any functions.
Thanks"Example picture":https://www.dropbox.com/s/2kp57jyp4pj4qfi/DSC_0034.jpg