Code optimation, everything should more be the qt-way of programming
I almost finished my gui so first thanks to everybody! everybody who helped me here.
why I'm writing here:
My sourcecode's cpp files are only two: main.cpp and robbie.cpp, and i put everything what could be own classes in robbie.cpp, because it was easier for me FIRST to connect the events in the old c++ way.What I would like to know how u let communicate not-mainclass-objects with not-mainclass-objects.
more precised on my situation:when i split robbie.cpp in 4 new classes:
- one serial (with qextserialport) class
- one tcpserver class (hosts, so robot connects as client)
- one tcpclient class (connects to robot host)
- one writefile class (write a logfile on hdd)
where is the connection for example for this event:
robot sends via tcpclient object an event like door opened, and this should be logged in txtfile on hdd.
where is the place to make the connection?do i create the objects in robbie.cpp initialisation class?
and do i create the connections there with signals and slots.1st
create a clienthost object which will connect automatically?2nd
create a writefile object3rd link both. for this i have to catch the readyread signal from a constructed socket.
then connect ( clienthost->socket->readyread event with writefile.write)would this be the right developing way?
here my huge class robbie.cpp i want to make smaller.
is the projects main class where the ui is generatet the place connections are made?