Qt files required for embeeded
Iam new to QT. I want to use QT for our embedded product. i would like to kknwo what are the files should I need into my system because when I download QT libraries it contains several files which I dont need I believe. For just specific target what files are required to be taken from the Qt libraries.
Can you please clarify on this?Thanks
welcome to devnet
AFAIK there are not binaries readily available for deploying directly on an embedded device. Check out this "wiki on embedded usages.":http://qt-project.org/wiki/Category:HowTo::Qt_Embedded
The Qt libs have to be compiled for the specific platform. Typically this is done with cross-compiling. The easiest is to use a linux platform, if you have a linux-based embedded OS. For a windows embedded platform it would be on a windows desktop installation. -
Thanks for your response. I will look into your suggestions.
As suggested, except for "Standard" PC, pre-compiled libraries are not available. You need to configure & compile with your requirements.
Number of Libraries required; actually depends on what application you are running.
If you are running GUI based application, with only QtCore, QtGui it might be possible. Depending on application features you have added you might need more libraries. For example fancyBrowser requires QtXML, QtNetwork also. -
Thanks Hari for your suggestion. Yes, we need to show graphics on 12.3 inch display.
Hi, I downloaded QT SDK and installed. When I opened QT creator trying to run some examples from Demos and examples then Iam getting the error :
NMAKE : fatal error U1065: invalid option '-'
18:17:20: The process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\nmake.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building project animatedtiles (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'Can you please give me a soltion how to solve this error?