[SOLVED] Do animation in QML on function call from C++
I'm pretty new to QML, maybe someone can help me with my issue:
I have main Rectange with some Items:
id: main_rect
width: 500
height: 500function onLoggedIn() { btn_login.text = "Logged in!" //Start opacity animation??? }
@After some work done with C++ engine I need to call onLoggedIn function which will set button(Item) text to "Logged in!" and make whole window slowly disappear.
@QGraphicsObject * obj = this->rootObject();
if(obj != NULL)
QVariant returnedValue;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "onLoggedIn",Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue));
}@The function gets called, text is set on the button, but how do I do this animation?
Thank you in advance! -
Ok, I found example of fading animation on developer.nokia.com, it works, I can start animation, but only main rectangle goes hidden, can this animation be applied to the whole window?
Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { duration: 1000 } }function onLoggedIn() { btn_login.text = "Logged in!" main_rect.opacity = 0.0 }
Ok, setting this params helped:
@Now I need to implement drag'ing of this window and custom minimize, maximize and close buttons.