Connect qt4 and qt5 git history
README file from Qt5 git repository says fallowing:
" If you want to be able to connect the Qt5 and Qt4 development history, you
may set up git grafts with the following command:git submodule foreach '../qtrepotools/bin/git-qt-grafts <path_to_history>'
"Personally i have no idea where to find this path to history ? I suppose it is some git repo, but which one ? Would apriciate any advice please ?
Hm, I've never tried this, and I'm not so keen of having too much history in my repos ;)
But, if this is of any help: "link": is the official Qt4 repository, so you should probably connect with that. You can also take a look at git-qt-graft's source to learn more on how it works (there probably is a -h option available, too).