Tragedy if Qt is lost...I love Qt
Then there would only be Microsoft WPF ( a mess) , MFC or .net5
all NOT open source...
I've written at least 3 "simple" Qt apps I can email.
Quick learning via not so complex examples as those from Qt
chart is a great example but complex!
"See this thread for more information.":
[Edit: Edited link description text. Please be sure and use descriptive text for links, not the default "Your text to link here..." -- mlong]
I am using my Nokia 2720 after trying a lot of ATT junk
Oh dear, the "What's going to happen with Qt" or "Qt can't die!!!!1111oneone"-threads are popping up quicker every day, it's like a plague!
Don't take this personally but I think there are better ways to advertise your Qt Examples than creating a topic with such a title, copying some text from the other thread and post a link to it... And then tell us, what phone you use. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the point ;)
*exactly the type of attitude that plagues these forums and starts flaming wars
a popular forum just dropped several admins because of this*
I am overlooking your post
This forum has been friendly so far
NOTE NB this original post was posted in the "lounge"
BTW the examples are ready to go straight to nearly auto installation
that amount of text would be a mess to acquire and put in the right place under the right file name
[quote author="Volker" date="1344282691"]Qt is not lost.[/quote]
I agree , It was there even without the NOKIA brand name. There are lot of other topics on the same discussion like
"An Open conversation about the future of Qt":
"Nokia abandons Qt":
"Future of Qt":
"Qt SDK discontinued?":
"tragedy if Qt is lost…I love Qt": all the discussion be at one place instead of creating 10 -15 topics and saying the same.
"Nokia - -connecting people- firing people" :-(
[quote author="cloudbuster" date="1344276283"]exactly the type of attitude that plagues these forums and starts flaming wars a popular forum just dropped several admins because of this
I am overlooking your post
This forum has been friendly so far[/quote]
My intention was not to start a flame war. If someone got this impression, i really am sorry.
Still, there already are tons of such topics, and Sam even did the work to link some of them.
I just think it's kind of sad that whenever I look into The Lounge, two out of the three topics on top are about how Qt is going to die or not having a good future.
Regarding your thread title, I'm very confident that as Volker pointed out, Qt is not going to die, so I see no reason to worry ;)
There are just too many people working hard on Qt, so even if Nokia wanted, it would fail to kill Qt.So, again, I don't want to insult anyone or bring an unfriendly tone into the discussion. Sorry if that was the impression my previous post made.
Oracle (Larry Ellison) has so far bought:
others... faint memorieshopefully IBM never buys Qt
-similar topics like this should also be Closed ?-
A tragedy indeed, I hope this never happen!