[SOLVED] How to retrieve data from a XmlListModel to another XmlListModel?
Hey, I want to call a data from a XmlListModel to another XmlListModel which is in a different page.
Here are my codes@ //Page1
XmlListModel {
id: products1
property string feedUrl: ""
property bool loading: status == XmlListModel.Loadingsource: "http://appsfactory.my/client/canonmsia2/android/fws/products1.php" query: "/plist/dict/array/dict" XmlRole { name: "icon1"; query: "string[1]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "category1"; query: "string[2]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "products2"; query: "string[3]/string()" } //want to make this as source in Page2
ListView { id: list1 anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top bottom: parent.bottom rightMargin:8 leftMargin:5 topMargin: header.height + headBar.height + (window.height > 640 ? 270 : 210) } clip: true model: products1 delegate: listDelegate1 } Component { id: listDelegate1 Products1Item{ icon_p1_item: icon1; category_p1_item: category1 onClicked: { Util.log("Clicked on " + products2 + " product1") Util.log("Selected feed item" + products2); pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("Page2.qml")); } } }
XmlListModel { id: products2 property string feedUrl: "" property bool loading: status == XmlListModel.Loading source: " " //products2 from XmlListModel in Page1 query: "/plist/dict/array/dict" XmlRole { name: "icon2"; query: "string[1]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "category2"; query: "string[2]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "products3"; query: "string[3]/string()" }
I want to place products2 from the first XmlListModel(Page1) as a source in the 2nd XmlListModel (Page2).
I hope I am clear enough. Can anyone teach me how to do it?i tried this source : products1.get(0).products2 but can't work.
It's okay I figured it out.
On clicked i should put it like this,@ //Page1
pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("Page2.qml"), {itemUrl2:products2, itemTitle2:category1})
//set the properties in the bracket, linking to the name in the XmlListModel//Page2
Page {
id: container2
property string itemUrl2: "" //set the property here
property string itemTitle2: ""orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait FontLoader { id: fixedFont; source: "../fonts/CANON.ttf"}
XmlListModel {
id: products2
property string feedUrl: ""
property bool loading: status == XmlListModel.Loadingsource: itemUrl2 //put the itemUrl2 here as source query: "/plist/dict/array/dict" XmlRole { name: "icon2"; query: "string[1]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "category2"; query: "string[2]/string()" } XmlRole { name: "products3"; query: "string[3]/string()" }
@Found this from, http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/qt-components/qt-components-meego-pagestack.html under Advanced Usage.
Can use both of these ways for deep linking.
{ page: pageOne, properties: { one: 1 } },
{ page: Qt.resolvedUrl("two.qml"), properties: { two: 2 }},
]);//or this
pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("foo.qml"), {foo: bar, foz: baz }); @