[Closed] Nokia abandons Qt
It seems that Nokia is going to abandon Qt, since it is not going to bring them any profit. Reported in "here":http://www.slashgear.com/nokia-lays-off-aussie-qt-staff-and-looks-to-sell-off-assets-02241421/.
So these questions may clarify many people/Qt fans out there:
- Will the growth rate of Qt be the same as it was (after 2008)?
- Will Open-Governance model save us?
- Is Qt like a Linux kernel (the most believed open source) project? - I mean will this be developed by developers from around the world without any Company's backing?
- Is there someone like Linus Torvalds for Qt? - who could be a visionary for Qt.
- Who will determine the future enhancements and roadmap of Qt?
- Since Nokia has dropped it and Android has a huge market share, will Qt s focus be diverted towards Android, atleast by a margin?
- Will someother company going to buy this? - Let this be considered of less significance, because we cannot think of another company dropping Qt later.
If we have a good opportunity to make Qt grow even mature, what can we do to keep Qt alive and growing?
I can't really comprehend, whether this post could come under Announcements or Brainstorming. Pardon me if I have posted it in the wrong segment.
developed by developers from around the world without any
Company’s backing?Linux is heavily sponsored, a lot of paid developers from Red Hat, Intel, Google etc.
Qt will have much less investment than Linux. Whether it will be enough, it is too early to tell. We all hope so :)
[quote author="Ivan Čukić" date="1344004658"]>
Linux is heavily sponsored, a lot of paid developers from Red Hat, Intel, Google etc.
Qt will have much less investment than Linux. Whether it will be enough, it is too early to tell. We all hope so :)[/quote]
Is it so? I was not aware of that. However thanks for sharing some knowledge.
The wait is over. It is Digia at last. "Digia acquires Qt.":http://www.digia.com/en/Qt/About-us/News/Digia-to-Acquire-Qt-from-Nokia/
Let us hope that this is a good thing for Qt fans.