QT Creator starts very slow
Hi, i installed QT Creator with the online installor from this site on windows. The Problem is that it needs 3-5 minutes to start.
I.e. i click on the link, nothing happens for 5 min, except that task manager is showing me that qtcreator uses 50 MB RAM.
After that i can work probably with it, but when loading a new project it lasts for about 30 seconds until i can start to work.I got a Intel i5 and 4 GB RAM so this should not be the problem.
I hope you can help me with this (:
We did have an issue where creator took ages to start on windows if there was '' in the PATH. That should have been fixed a while back.
Unfortunately you don't mention which version of Qt Creator you are running on which windows version.
I've had the same problem since I installed Qt Creator and unfortunately, the only responses I've seen from Qt Creator devs online are denial and ignoring of these reports. It really aggravates me that there's a huge flaw that's reproduced every single time I run the program, and that dozens of other people have reported repeatedly, but that is always ignored.
I click the shortcut to start Qt Creator and every time, qtcreator.exe sits there using 0% CPU, not using the harddrive, not using the network, not creating any windows, for 2-10 minutes. It's probably some code uselessly waiting for a network timeout instead of just starting the rest of the program. Please please PLEASE just fix your software. I know it may be difficult; I know it may take a while, but the first step is acknowledging that you have a problem. I really don't want to have to switch to Eclipse, 'cause Qt has so much else going for it. I'm currently using Qt Creator 2.3.0 with Qt 4.7.4 (32-bit) on Windows 7 64-bit on an Intel Core i7 Q740 laptop with 4 GB of RAM; I could try a more recent build, but based on the ton of reports of this problem, it seems it still isn't fixed. I don't have / or \ in my PATH, because I'm on Windows, and that wouldn't make any sense on any other platform anyway. Copy of the "About" info:
Qt Creator 2.3.0
Based on Qt 4.7.4 (32 bit)Built on Aug 31 2011 at 01:25:02
From revision bc7abeb602
Copyright 2008-2011 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hey, I do respond to the few reports I see about startup issues. I just can't do much without some hint as to what actually is going wrong. And even if I had an idea I can not verify that the issue is fixed without a way to reproduce. You are a developer, you know the drill.
Please try to reproduce this with a more recent version of Qt Creator. Some startup issues were fixed since 2.3.0. The updated Qt that comes with a new Qt Creator might also help: There was one issue where Qt was blocking in an call that was supposed to be async when trying to resolve proxy settings on windows. Maybe making sure those settings are sensible can speed up creator for you. Finally you can try to disable plugins in creator to narrow down which one causes the delay. If this is indeed network related then start with the welcome plugin: That is the only one that has network activity on startup (fetches the newsfeed). That gives some hint as to what is going wrong and if you don't need that plugin it also provides a workaround for the time being. If you previously used older Creator versions wiping the configuration can also help. That is the very last thing I'd try though as that obviously resets everything and it is unlikely that this causes the issue.
PS: That '' is caused trouble on windows only (issue is fixed in newer Qt Creator versions) and some preinstalled software from a vendor seems to put it into PATH.
Okay, I just installed the latest stable release of Qt Creator: 2.4.1. It took a huge amount of time, but that's a different matter.
From the installer, after installing, I chose the option to open Qt Creator. qtcreator.exe started up with about 40MB of memory used, sat there using no CPU or I/O for 70 seconds, momentarily used some I/O and got up to 58MB of memory used, sat there for another 130 seconds using no CPU or I/O, then finally opened a window about 3.5 minutes after qtcreator.exe started. Thus the problem's still there in the latest stable Qt Creator.
I don't have any plugins installed, apart from any that are installed by default. In the installer, I chose not to install any mobile development anything, just Qt Creator 2.4.1, Qt 4.8.1, Mingw 4.4, headers for VS 2008/2010 and Mingw, source code for Qt 4.8.1, and docs. I don't know how to correctly/safely disable any plugins that are installed by default.
The "About" info:
Qt Creator 2.4.1
Based on Qt 4.7.4 (32 bit)Built on Jan 26 2012 at 09:48:31
From revision 8cd370e163
Copyright 2008-2011 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
I seem to have disabled the Welcome screen through the "About Plugins..." dialog, so it shouldn't be loading the news feed anymore. It still took pretty much bang on 3.5 minutes to load, though it only went up to 46MB of memory used after the brief spurt of I/O 70 seconds in.
I disabled everything that the "About Plugins..." dialog allowed me to disable except the Project Explorer, and it still waits for about 65 seconds doing nothing before opening a window. With the Project Explorer disabled as well, it opens immediately, thus, the first 65 seconds of waiting is probably the Project Explorer, even though there's absolutely no reason for the Project Explorer to wait 70 seconds. One of the other reports of this load waiting reported the same association with the Project Explorer. I can't very well disable the Project Explorer and continue using Qt Creator, so that's not really a workaround.
It also leaves the remaining load time. If I enable everything under the Qt Creator heading and the C++ heading, plus the QtSupport plugin, it's still 65 seconds. When I enable Qt4ProjectManager, it waits another 60 seconds, for a total of 2:05. Enabling CMakeProjectManager adds another 10 seconds (or sometimes 30?), for a total of 2:15, or 135 seconds.
Still time left to account for. Adding the Version Control plugins puts the time at around 3:20 (200 seconds). I'm not going to go through them all right now to figure out which ones are responsible, but adding VCSBase alone didn't add any more waiting.
Adding everything else (except Hello World, since it's not enabled by default) didn't add any waiting time.
In summary, the following plugins most likely have bugs causing unnecessary waiting during load in Windows:
Project Explorer: 65 seconds
Qt4ProjectManager: 60 seconds
CMakeProjectManager: 10 seconds
Some VCS plugin other than VCSBase: 65 secondsTimes are plus or minus 5-10 seconds. Best of luck finding and fixing all of these problems, because I can almost guarantee that there are an awful lot more people out there who've installed Qt Creator, observed it simply not open, and gave up on it instead of reporting this same bug that's already been reported. I hope my hours of trial and error watching the screen and a clock will not be in vain.
Now that is interesting: All these plugins run exernal commands to determine some settings, find programs, etc. Maybe there is one root cause to all of this, with creator running into some timeout for processes. I think I remember one guy reporting in that some anti-virus software was badly effecting his Qt Creator experience with constant checking... but that is just a shot into the dark.
I know I am asking much, but could you please try the most recent Qt Creator (2.5.2) again, running it from the command line using the "-profile" option? That gives a somewhat detailed list of times spent on loading and initializing the plugins (incl. the different phases of the initialization). That could be a big help in finding out what is going wrong.
I'll have a go at it, though I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I don't have any anti-virus enabled apart from Microsoft Security Essentials.
Neil, did you ever resolve this issue? I just downloaded QT Creator for windows today (version 2.5.83) and have the exact same problem. I click on any of the start menu (about this IDE, or examples) and it just sits there. I don't have the patience to see if it ever comes back.
Many people complained about that, and even though plenty assurances in the quality of recent iterations of Creator were made, fact is it is much, much slower than it used to be in this time last year. Disabling plugins doesn't help either. I guess that is just the way things are going to be, but hey, on the bright side it is still a little faster than VS2012. You can always get a faster PC, but even on a powerful high end workstation it is laggy, I have a cutting edge rig with loads of ram, best desktop CPU money can buy and one of the fastest SDDs on the market and it still hangs for a few seconds. On my laptop it is really annoying due to the lower specs. But it is not like I can switch back to the old Creator, it lacks in support of important features.
The easiest solution to deal with something that starts slowly... is to not stop it. Then you don't have to wait for it to start all the time. It will drain some ram, but ram is cheap and plentiful these days, while time you cannot buy.
@double_ter: Not really. I installed the latest version of the SDK at the time, as they recommended, but it didn't work with the latest version of Qt Creator. I had to install them separately and rejig configuration settings to get Qt to find it, and I never got debugging working again.
However, with the mis-matched versions eventually half-working, it did start immediately, maybe because some things just failed immediately instead of waiting. Since debugging didn't work and other features were half-working, along with lots of crashing, I just gave up on Qt Creator. It's not worth the pain. VS2012 is mediocre, but it at least has basic functionality.
@utcenter: It has nothing to do with computer performance, because the program is not doing anything. Qt Creator sits there not accessing the harddrive or network and not using the CPU for minutes, presumably waiting for network timeouts.
There's no window open yet, so it just looks like Qt Creator doesn't work at all, then suddenly several minutes later, it pops up after I've moved on with life and resigned myself to that Qt Creator simply won't run on my platform. Then I go online to search for other people with the same problem, and find that there's nothing but denials from the dev team even though it's been reported repeatedly for years, and it's reproducible every single time I run it and every single time I've installed it, on multiple computers and multiple versions of Qt Creator.
utcenter: What exactly is slower than it used to be?
double_ter: That behavior suggest that creator is running into some issue, waiting for something to time out. Is there any chance that you can find out what that might be (e.g. by running a process monitor on it)? We had an issue a while back where having '' in the PATH (e.g. PATH=C:\windows\system32;;C:\something) caused creator to wait for network drives that were never going to appear, but that should be fixed.
Neil Dickson - for me it does, as I said on my desktop it is just a few seconds, it is significantly more on my laptop. This goes for the actual startup of Creator.
Then there is the project loading hiccup, which could easily be solved by making parsing asynchronous.
I was under the impression Creator also tries to load some stuff of the internet, blog entries IIRC, but that went away when I disabled the welcome screen.
Tobias Hunger - it might be just the extra features, pretty much every application gets a little slower to startup with iterations. I admit I might be a little spoiled in this regard, since I find waiting extremely annoying when working on old and slow machines.
I've updated to Qt 5.1 and Qt Creator 2.8 and got the same issue.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1344852817"]
I know I am asking much, but could you please try the most recent Qt Creator (2.5.2) again, running it from the command line using the "-profile" option? That gives a somewhat detailed list of times spent on loading and initializing the plugins (incl. the different phases of the initialization). That could be a big help in finding out what is going wrong.[/quote]I did it. Results:
TaskList 2ms ( 0.00% )
CodePaster 3ms ( 0.00% )
ResourceEditor 3ms ( 0.00% )
ClassView 4ms ( 0.00% )
PythonEditor 6ms ( 0.01% )
RemoteLinux 6ms ( 0.01% )
QmlProjectManager 6ms ( 0.01% )
Qt4ProjectManager 7ms ( 0.01% )
Perforce 8ms ( 0.01% )
Subversion 8ms ( 0.01% )
QmlProfiler 8ms ( 0.01% )
Bookmarks 9ms ( 0.01% )
ClearCase 10ms ( 0.01% )
Mercurial 11ms ( 0.01% )
BinEditor 13ms ( 0.01% )
DiffEditor 14ms ( 0.01% )
Bazaar 16ms ( 0.01% )
Macros 16ms ( 0.01% )
FakeVim 17ms ( 0.01% )
Locator 17ms ( 0.01% )
CVS 17ms ( 0.01% )
Valgrind 21ms ( 0.02% )
ImageViewer 21ms ( 0.02% )
Qnx 24ms ( 0.02% )
GenericProjectManager 24ms ( 0.02% )
CppEditor 26ms ( 0.02% )
CMakeProjectManager 27ms ( 0.02% )
GLSLEditor 27ms ( 0.02% )
VcsBase 30ms ( 0.03% )
Git 33ms ( 0.03% )
Android 35ms ( 0.03% )
TextEditor 39ms ( 0.03% )
QmlJSEditor 50ms ( 0.04% )
QmlJSTools 56ms ( 0.05% )
QmlDesigner 63ms ( 0.05% )
Designer 71ms ( 0.06% )
CppTools 71ms ( 0.06% )
QtSupport 84ms ( 0.07% )
Find 89ms ( 0.07% )
Debugger 97ms ( 0.08% )
Help 196ms ( 0.16% )
AnalyzerBase 461ms ( 0.39% )
Welcome 2817ms ( 2.37% )
Core 3315ms ( 2.78% )
ProjectExplorer 111193ms ( 93.38% )
Total: 119071ms
@For be sure I renamed qt settings (QtProject.conf and QtProject dir in ~/.config). It didn't help. What's more incomprehensible is that qt creator doesn't load project at start and I cannot understand why ProjectExplorer loading takes more than 100 ms. If it loads, OK, some projects are huge, but it is not.
What can I make else to help developers fix that issue?
I rebooted after installation and now all works normally:
ClassView 0ms ( 0.00% )
BinEditor 1ms ( 0.01% )
ImageViewer 2ms ( 0.02% )
ResourceEditor 2ms ( 0.02% )
Android 2ms ( 0.02% )
DiffEditor 2ms ( 0.02% )
FakeVim 3ms ( 0.04% )
Qnx 3ms ( 0.04% )
Bookmarks 3ms ( 0.04% )
CodePaster 3ms ( 0.04% )
GenericProjectManager 4ms ( 0.05% )
Macros 4ms ( 0.05% )
Valgrind 4ms ( 0.05% )
RemoteLinux 4ms ( 0.05% )
VcsBase 4ms ( 0.05% )
QmlProjectManager 4ms ( 0.05% )
Mercurial 5ms ( 0.06% )
Bazaar 5ms ( 0.06% )
TaskList 5ms ( 0.06% )
ClearCase 6ms ( 0.07% )
PythonEditor 6ms ( 0.07% )
QmlProfiler 7ms ( 0.09% )
Designer 7ms ( 0.09% )
Perforce 7ms ( 0.09% )
CVS 8ms ( 0.10% )
GLSLEditor 8ms ( 0.10% )
Qt4ProjectManager 8ms ( 0.10% )
Subversion 9ms ( 0.11% )
CppEditor 10ms ( 0.12% )
CMakeProjectManager 10ms ( 0.12% )
Git 11ms ( 0.14% )
Locator 13ms ( 0.16% )
CppTools 15ms ( 0.19% )
TextEditor 19ms ( 0.24% )
QmlJSEditor 29ms ( 0.36% )
Find 50ms ( 0.62% )
Debugger 54ms ( 0.67% )
QmlDesigner 56ms ( 0.69% )
QmlJSTools 58ms ( 0.72% )
QtSupport 70ms ( 0.87% )
AnalyzerBase 128ms ( 1.59% )
Help 206ms ( 2.55% )
ProjectExplorer 1094ms ( 13.55% )
Welcome 2850ms ( 35.31% )
Core 3273ms ( 40.55% )
Total: 8072ms
@I cannot understand the reason to work badly until reboot, but if there are some difficulties it's better to warn user to reboot (what is of course not good, since Qt is not Windows, isn't it? :) ).
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1344758912"]Hey, I do respond to the few reports I see about startup issues. I just can't do much without some hint as to what actually is going wrong. And even if I had an idea I can not verify that the issue is fixed without a way to reproduce. You are a developer, you know the drill.
Please try to reproduce this with a more recent version of Qt Creator. Some startup issues were fixed since 2.3.0. The updated Qt that comes with a new Qt Creator might also help: There was one issue where Qt was blocking in an call that was supposed to be async when trying to resolve proxy settings on windows. Maybe making sure those settings are sensible can speed up creator for you. Finally you can try to disable plugins in creator to narrow down which one causes the delay. If this is indeed network related then start with the welcome plugin: That is the only one that has network activity on startup (fetches the newsfeed). That gives some hint as to what is going wrong and if you don't need that plugin it also provides a workaround for the time being. If you previously used older Creator versions wiping the configuration can also help. That is the very last thing I'd try though as that obviously resets everything and it is unlikely that this causes the issue.
PS: That '' is caused trouble on windows only (issue is fixed in newer Qt Creator versions) and some preinstalled software from a vendor seems to put it into PATH.[/quote]
It's still there in QT4.8.3 Open Scource.
This is how the bug happens.
compile Qt for VS2010 Ultimate x64 System.
install add in.SOfar everythign works.
If you open .pro files with the Add in it's all fine,
if you use qmake.exe from the x64 command prompt from vs2010
you cannot start the Designer, Assasting and everything else in the bin folder.
Installting the hotfix VS10-KB2280741-x86 after this problem, it doesnt help either :( -
I've been having the slow-loading problem as well. Qt Designer takes on the order of minutes to load. I'm not using the latest versions of Qt software, because the latest versions were incompatible with my system. I used the latest versions that all played well together.
- Qt 5.4.0
- Windows 7
- Visual Studio 2012, Update 4
- Qt Visual Studio add-in 1.2.2
I've been having the slow-loading problem as well. Qt Designer takes on the order of minutes to load. I'm not using the latest versions of Qt software, because the latest versions were incompatible with my system. I used the latest versions that all played well together.
- Qt 5.4.0
- Windows 7
- Visual Studio 2012, Update 4
- Qt Visual Studio add-in 1.2.2
[quote author="CueTeeDuntz" date="1424377109"]I've been having the slow-loading problem as well. Qt Designer takes on the order of minutes to load. I'm not using the latest versions of Qt software, because the latest versions were incompatible with my system. I used the latest versions that all played well together.
- Qt 5.4.0
- Windows 7
- Visual Studio 2012, Update 4
- Qt Visual Studio add-in 1.2.2[/quote]Hi, and welcome to the Qt Dev Net!
Does disabling your antivirus help?