EnterEvent and LeaveEvent don't work perfectly
Hello, my problem is the next. I want a hover (enterEvent) effect and an animated hide effect (leaveEvent) with EnterEvent and LeaveEvent. That works fine on the early, but if I do 5-6 really fast call, can not be called anymore anyone Event
After the 7. (it's random, 1-20) enterEvent the leaveEvent doesn't work...
" - Gif Picture - ":http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/201/bugr.gifYou can see, nothing is in the events:
@void Clock::enterEvent(QEvent *event){
qDebug() << QString::number(counter) + ". call";
qDebug() << event;
void Clock::leaveEvent(QEvent *event){
qDebug() << event;