Over which Header Section SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(qpoint&)) was generated
Hi All,
This is my first post.
Aim: Display custom menu on right clicking horizontal header of QTableView derived class. This menu will be dynamically populated with custom actionWidgets depending on the Section clicked.
Problem: Not able to get header section index which was right clicked.
Slot name:
void myTableViewClass::OnHorzHeaderRightClicked(const QPoint& _qptPosition)
QHeaderView * pHeaderView = horizontalHeader();//Attempt (1). QModelIndex qmiSectionIndex = pHeaderView->indexAt(_qptPosition);// Cannot access protected member. //Attempt (2). followed: <http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2004-09/thread01077-0.html> for (int i = 0; i < pHeaderView ->count(); ++i) { QRect rect = pHeaderView ->sectionRect(i); // <sectionRect(i) no longer seems to be supported> if (rect.contains(ev->pos())) { cout << "context event in section " << i << endl; return; } } //Attempt (3). pHeaderView ->sectionAt(_qptPosition.x()); // <sectionAt() no longer seems to be supported>
@I am new at Qt and am not sure if I'm missing some really obvious thing. Kindly help. Thanks in advance
Hi All,
I got the section index using the SectionDoubleClicked slot of Horizontal Header class. I could not proceed further with Right click so I switched to Double click instead.
I am adding the code for the same, hope it proves to be any help to others new to Qt.
In the form class containing the QTableView add:
@connect(ui->m_pGridView->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)),
this, SLOT(OnHorzHeaderSectionDblClicked(int)));@ -
Implement the Slot as:
@void CGridView_CM::OnHorzHeaderSectionDblClicked(int _iSectionIndex)
QVariant qvSectionHeader = m_pGridModel->headerData(_iSectionIndex, Qt::Horizontal);
//TODO: Get screen coordinates of the double click
//TODO: Show a custom context menu