Flash in QGraphicsWebView use in Qml by QDeclarativeItem,or QGraphicsProxyQWidget
Hi All
I have a problem with flash movie in QGraphicsWebView in version 4.8 , 4.8.1 , 4.8.2 , use in windows 7,xp, platform. When i import this element like this :@WebviewItem::WebviewItem(QGraphicsProxyWidget *parent) : QGraphicsProxyWidget(parent) { // or maybe QDeclarativeItem
graphicsWebView = new QGraphicsWebView(this);@
!http://s8.postimage.org/ipmaekp4z/flashmoviedisapper.png(This look like something like this)!
It look likes that flash movie dont have focus ,and when we scroll , movie stay where stay before , have someone reproduce this bug? And have idea why it work that? ALSO i see that this bug dont ' t exist on 4.7.4 , what is going on??
It is something wrong with graphicsView for reproduce , use this code in main.cpp
@#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsView>#include <QtWebKit/QGraphicsWebView>
#include <QtWebKit/QWebSettings>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);const int width = 1200; const int height = 800; QGraphicsScene scene; QGraphicsView view(&scene); view.setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); QGraphicsWebView webview; webview.settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled,true); webview.resize(width, height); webview.load(QUrl("http://www.youtube.com/")); scene.addItem(&webview); view.resize(width, height); view.show(); return app.exec();