Qt Contributor Summit 2012 Videos?
hi, I have edit the videos already. But not published.
Some members will push the things forward in this case... -
bq. hi, I have edit the videos already. But not published.
bq. The videos are stille post-processed
Ummm, those are kind of contradicting, provided of course greenwoodworx is the one working on the videos.
If the videos are indeed ready, might I suggest compiling them all into a torrent - it will not only be much faster, only a few minutes of time, but also way easier for users to obtain copies. Presentation related files can be included too.
Well, let's give all the folks some time after the dust of the transition to Digia has settled. I don't know exactly what needs to be done, but I'm pretty sure, the videos will be uploaded. I know that you all want to know what has been discussed back in June, but we all know that these were exciting times with big lots of work to do for all the Trolls involved. So, keep patient, please.
I hope they would say something about ios and android port
Any news about the videos? If anyone have access to them, I'd like to see my short entry on hacking webkit to test the sensors (something with a wii-mote connected).