QPushButton size.
Hello guys, Inside a QWidget I put a Layout with two QPushButtons and a QLabel. I can change the geomtry of the QWidget that works as container for the layout but can not change the size of the QPushButton: here my code
QTitleBar::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * event)
QSize size = event->size();
int widgetHeight = size.rheight();
int widgetWidth = size.rwidth();std::cout << "resizeEvent h:" <<
<< " w: " << widgetWidth << std::endl;int layoutH = (int)((float)widgetHeight*(float)0.20);
std::cout << "resizeEvent h:" <<
<< " w: " << widgetWidth << std::endl;mapButton->setGeometry(0, 0, 120, layoutH);
titleWidget->setGeometry(0, 0, widgetWidth, layoutH);// title->setGeometry(130, 0, widgetWidth - (2130), layoutH);
// closeButton->setGeometry(widgetWidth - (2130), 0, 130, layoutH);//closeButton->setGeometry(0, 0, widgetWidth, layoutH);
Is there something wrong?
If you want to change the layout according to the changing sizePolicy then use void "QWidget::adjustSize ()":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html#adjustSize -
Actually if you have added the QWidgets to the layout and used widget->setLayout then when the user will change size of your widget, the elements in the layout will change size automatically. You can set -
void setMaximumHeight ( int maxh )
void setMaximumSize ( const QSize & )
void setMaximumSize ( int maxw, int maxh )
void setMaximumWidth ( int maxw )
void setMinimumHeight ( int minh )
etc....to restrict the sizes. However if you want to have a fixed defined layout then "QGroupBox":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qgroupbox.html and "QGridLayout":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/QGridLayout.html will be more useful. -
Please use layouts instead of resizing widgets manually... That is just too much work and too fragile.
So far I had to reimplement the resizeEvent once AFAIR, so if you do that regularly, then you are most likely doing something wrong (or work on a very unusual project where you might want to consider switching to QML).
I alredy tried it in this way:
@ titleLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
titleLayout->addWidget( mapButton , Qt::AlignLeft );
titleLayout->addWidget( title, Qt::AlignCenter );
titleLayout->addWidget( closeButton, Qt::AlignRight);@change the geometry of the layout will change the geometry of its children? Could you please provide an example?
thank you
Using void QLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * w ), the layout of the elements will be from left to right (HBoxLayout) ....so just this should work fine -
titleLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );titleLayout->addWidget( mapButton);
titleLayout->addWidget( title);
titleLayout->addWidget( closeButton);
@change the geometry of the layout will change the geometry of its children?
yesI am not sure what you want to achieve. Could you please elaborate.