[ANOTHER QUESTION] Can anyone explain me QRegExp?
Yes i have seen the documentation but it is kinda hard to understand.. I would like an explanation...
Lets say we have@ QString leon="1\\\\\\\\n2\\\\\\\\n3\\\\\\\\ni want only the next line\\\\\\\\nfrom this line i want only --->Hello guys!<---\\\\\\\\nend here i dont want it";
@how can i get the Hello guys! only?
so the code that must be used is something like
@ QRegExp regex("time=.* ");
regex.setMinimal(true);QStringList list; int pos = 0; while ((pos = regex.indexIn(leon, pos)) != -1) { list << regex.cap(0).remove(QChar(' '),Qt::CaseInsensitive); pos += regex.matchedLength(); } if(!list.count()){ //error return; } QString current=list.at(0); qDebug(current.toLocal8Bit());
i don't get what should i put in line 1 in the parentheses so the qdebug show Hello guys!
Regular expressions are powerful but require some love :). There are many engines with similar but not exactly the same future sets. For example, Qt 4 doesn't support look behinds.
Personally, I liked tutorial on "this":http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html page the most. For testing, there are many online RegEx testers like "this one":http://www.rubular.com/.
Now, back to your problem. Due to lack of look behinds, only reasonable way to extract "Hello guys" string I can see are following two steps:
QString leon="1\\n2\\n3\\ni want only the next line\\nfrom this line i want only --->Hello guys!<---\\nend here i dont want it";
QRegExp regex("--->.*(?=<---)");
if(regex.indexIn(leon) != -1){
QStringList list;
QString str;
list = regex.capturedTexts();
qDebug() << str.remove("--->");
@It is very likely someone will post one step regex only solution soon.
Since there are 2 steps anyway you could simply use QString::remove() to remove everything before and including ---> and after and including <---.
I'm not sure if there are significant difference in speed between 2 removes, or regex + remove version, but you can always benchmark it :). -
[quote author="sidewinder" date="1343376961"]Regular expressions are powerful but require some love :). There are many engines with similar but not exactly the same future sets. For example, Qt 4 doesn't support look behinds.
Personally, I liked tutorial on "this":http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html page the most. For testing, there are many online RegEx testers like "this one":http://www.rubular.com/.
Now, back to your problem. Due to lack of look behinds, only reasonable way to extract "Hello guys" string I can see are following two steps:
QString leon="1\\\\n2\\\\n3\\\\ni want only the next line\\\\nfrom this line i want only --->Hello guys!<---\\\\nend here i dont want it";
QRegExp regex("--->.*(?=<---)");
if(regex.indexIn(leon) != -1){
QStringList list;
QString str;
list = regex.capturedTexts();
qDebug() << str.remove("--->");
@It is very likely someone will post one step regex only solution soon.
Since there are 2 steps anyway you could simply use QString::remove() to remove everything before and including ---> and after and including <---.
I'm not sure if there are significant difference in speed between 2 removes, or regex + remove version, but you can always benchmark it :).[/quote]Thanks a lot! It works, but i would like an explanation for line 2.. what are
i quess they remove <-- but why not do something similar for the -->? -
Step by step.
matches "--->" :)@.@
matches any number () of any characters (.)@(?=)@
is called look ahead. It means "check if there is pattern ahead, but don't include it in results".So
checks if after any number of any characters <--- is present.Qt doesn't support look behinds (?<=), so unfortunately something like that doesn't work:
@(?<=--->).*(?=<---)@Hopefully it will work in Qt5 :).
[quote author="sidewinder" date="1343388065"]Hopefully it will work in Qt5 :).[/quote]
Yes, but not without code changes. QRegExp was entangled too much into Qt code, it had to be left in Qt5. To solve regexp issues, a new class was introduced - "QRegularExpression":http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/5.0/qregularexpression.html. It uses a third party regexp engine that supports everything you might need and is also much faster :D
What if i only want to show the first capture?
For example@QString lool="1/n3/n5/n6/n7/3/n5/n9";
QRegExp reg2("3.*5");
if(reg2.indexIn(lool) != -1){
QStringList list;
QString strq;
list = reg2.capturedTexts();
}@it will show
@3/n5/n6/n7/3/n5@while i want from it to show
@3/n5@ -
I can say that I have quite the same problem here... I want only the first occurrence of the match!
You have to turn off the 'greedy' mode for this... see "here":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qregexp.html#setMinimal