Qt SDK discontinued?
Last message I remember was that they are waiting for an update of Qt Mobility. But judging from all recent developments at Nokia, I think it's safe to assume that SDK is not going to be updated. Installing the libraries and QtCreator manually is very easy anyway, so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.
Yeah, I'm sure that most of us likes it as it is. And I'm also feeling bad for the way that Nokia communicates this whole strategy change (for the exact change too, but that's another topic) and this involves their relation to Qt and updates to Qt SDK. I think they should provide more and better answers.
Perhaps a community project could be setup to continue the all-in-one Qt SDK releases. I really like the way Qt SDK handles all of the dependencies as I'm learning Qt.
fractalist - installing precompiled libraries + creator and setting it up is pretty much effortless, I too used to rely on the SDK but its slow update cycle eventually forced me to reach the realization it is not a necessity by any means
on a side note, the last few iterations of creator are getting more and more sluggish and unstable, and once again users get faced with the dilemma - pay the price for using the newer features or get left behind by keeping to the old tools...
Although I do like the all in one SDK, but just as utcenter said
bq. installing precompiled libraries + creator and setting it up is pretty much effortless
I am very appreciate that I don't need to compile the lib
by myself, it is not something fun to do since I always have to study
what kind of parameters should be set, solve the dependencies and
other chores.Thanks for the precompilesd libs so I don't need to go
through with so many troubles. -
@utcenter: At the moment I don't need to use the latest version of the libraries or the latest version of Qt Creator as I'm still finding my feet. I'll probably upgrade when Qt 5 is released though.
[quote author="veeraps" date="1343720776"]Sad to hear that Qt SDK is not going to be updated - So nothing much after the release of Qt 5, then???[/quote]
Mind you, we are all still guessing here... there was no official statement regarding the SDK. It's just that as guesses go, this one is quite well supported by various little clues ;)
bq. sierdzio wrote:
It’s just that as guesses go, this one is quite well supported by various little clues ;)was okay until I read the last statement :-( - I wish all our guesses to go false - I feel now that Qt should have been with TrollTech alone!!
Yeah, I wish Trolltech never sold out to Nokia too, but I guess that unreasonably big pile of cash was just too big to resist, perhaps due to poor commercial exploitation of Qt while it was still independent. The eventual canning of the SDK is the least of the negative consequences due to having Nokia behind the wheel, even thou there were some good too, like LGPL for example, which did help with Qt's popularity, the result of which is now there are more disappointed developers...
[quote author="utcenter" date="1343808708"] LGPL for example, which did help with Qt's popularity, the result of which is now there are more disappointed developers...[/quote]
Yeah thats the feeling that most of the developers (will) have. I too wish that all our guesses go false and we hear some good newz.
BTW shouldn't this topic be moved to The Lounge
Andre already posted something "here":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/18657/P15
check "this":http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTE1MTM
I might be just speculating here, but it seems that if we, the community want to see more features being added then we must be more proactive. I'm referring to the Open Governance feature of Qt 5 if it gets released before Nokia destroys Qt forever.
bq. we must be more proactive
Example?What kind of proactive actions could we help Qt survive?
Contribute codes, donation, release Qt5 with charge?Still a beginner who learning Qt4, Qt5 looks amazingly good and
I hope it could release without any troubles.Qt is such a wonderful technology, It would be a big lost to the C++ community
if it really destroyed by nokia. -
[quote author="stereomatching" date="1343820545"]
Example?What kind of proactive actions could we help Qt survive?
Contribute codes, donation, release Qt5 with charge?[/quote]By doing it ourselves if we have to. I'm a beginner too learning Qt 4, but I can already see how useful this toolkit is for the C++ community. I have already seen commercial entities (namely Digia and RIM) contributing to their own implementations without giving back to the community. Bastards!
[quote author="fractalist" date="1343840382"]
[quote author="stereomatching" date="1343820545"]Example?What kind of proactive actions could we help Qt survive?
Contribute codes, donation, release Qt5 with charge?[/quote]By doing it ourselves if we have to. I'm a beginner too learning Qt 4, but I can already see how useful this toolkit is for the C++ community. I have already seen commercial entities (namely Digia and RIM) contributing to their own implementations without giving back to the community. Bastards!
[/quote]Now, no need to spread FUD without checking first:
RIM has made great contributions to QNX, and their current SDK is based on Qt.
Digia has contributed to both Qt releases currently available (4.7.4, 4.8.2).
This is interesting... way back dated to March-2011
"Qt and Digia, facts and fiction":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/14/qt-and-digia-facts-and-fiction/
Another interesting things here!!
Way back to again March-2011 :: "Future of Qt brighter after Digia buys licensing biz from Nokia":http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2011/03/future-of-qt-brighter-after-digia-buys-licensing-biz-from-nokia/
Now this is disturbing part as of today 2-August-2012 :: "TECHNOLOGY LAB / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Nokia reportedly planning to sell Qt as more developers are laid off":http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/08/nokia-reportedly-planning-to-sell-qt-as-more-developers-are-laid-off/