Is Qt-components 1.1.3 available right now?
Hi Guys,
I packaged an application for symbian^3 with smart installer.
The application request Qt-componets 1.1.3, so how can I deploy it with the right version of Qt-componets?
Is Qt-componets 1.1.3 available right now?BB,
Leaf[edit: fixed typo in title, Eddy]
Thers is some configures in my *.pro:
@symbian {
TARGET.UID3 = 0x20067137
DEPLOYMENT.display_name = Good of food
VERSION = 1.0.0
vendorinfo = "%{"Freeman"}" ":"Freeman""my_deployment.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo my_deployment.pkg_prerules += \ "; Dependency to Symbian Qt Quick components" \ "(0x200346DE), 1, 1, 0, {\"Qt Quick components\"}" DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment
CONFIG += qt-components@