Getting current location GPS
Hi all,
I’m writing an application that needs to get the current location of the user using QtMobility and PositionSource QML element. The code is working well with our testing Nokia 700 device; however, seems to be unable to get the current location on Symbian devices. I’ve tried with a very simple example on the documentation like:
@import QtQuick 1.1
import QtMobility.location 1.2Rectangle {
width : 250
height: 350
PositionSource {
id: positionSource
updateInterval: 1000
active: true
// nmeaSource: "nmealog.txt"
Column {
Text {text: "<==== PositionSource ====>"}
Text {text: "positioningMethod: " + printableMethod(positionSource.positioningMethod)}
Text {text: "nmeaSource: " + positionSource.nmeaSource}
Text {text: "updateInterval: " + positionSource.updateInterval}
Text {text: "active: " +}
Text {text: "<==== Position ====>"}
Text {text: "latitude: " + positionSource.position.coordinate.latitude}
Text {text: "longitude: " + positionSource.position.coordinate.longitude}
Text {text: "altitude: " + positionSource.position.coordinate.altitude}
Text {text: "speed: " + positionSource.position.speed}
Text {text: "timestamp: " + positionSource.position.timestamp}
Text {text: "altitudeValid: " + positionSource.position.altitudeValid}
Text {text: "longitudeValid: " + positionSource.position.longitudeValid}Text {text: "latitudeValid: " + positionSource.position.latitudeValid} Text {text: "speedValid: " + positionSource.position.speedValid} } function printableMethod(method) { if (method == PositionSource.SatellitePositioningMethod) return "Satellite"; else if (method == PositionSource.NoPositioningMethod) return "Not available" else if (method == PositionSource.NonSatellitePositioningMethod) return "Non-satellite" else if (method == PositionSource.AllPositioningMethods) return "All/multiple" return "source error"; }
Add more folders to ship with the application, here
folder_01.source = qml/bcard = qml
DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS = folder_01Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Creator's code model
symbian:TARGET.UID3 = 0xE63F200B
Smart Installer package's UID
This UID is from the protected range and therefore the package will
fail to install if self-signed. By default qmake uses the unprotected
range value if unprotected UID is defined for the application and
0x2002CCCF value if protected UID is given to the application
#symbian:DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = 0x2002CCCF
Allow network access on Symbian
#symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices
symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices LocationIf your application uses the Qt Mobility libraries, uncomment the following
lines and add the respective components to the MOBILITY variable.
CONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += locationSpeed up launching on MeeGo/Harmattan when using applauncherd daemon
CONFIG += qdeclarative-boostable
Add dependency to Symbian components
CONFIG += qt-components
The .cpp file which was generated for your project. Feel free to hack it.
SOURCES += main.cpp
Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.
@I can see the GPS symbol is activated on the device;
However the data getting is as below:<====PositionSource====>
positioningMethod :Satellite
timestamp: Invalid Date
altitudeValid: false
longitudeValid: false
latitudeValid: false
speedValid: falseHave someone met this issue before? May I know how to fix it and get all the data correctly?
Thank you.Thanks,