What Qt Tool Chain do you use?
For work, I primarily just use the latest and greatest in the commercial SDK, (our official internal stuff is mostly 4.7 and 4.8) but I also maintain some legacy stuff (got a trusty and well-used version of 3.3.8, a 2.2 build, and I think there's still a 1.4 build around somewhere -- we have some old apps that still do their job well enough to avoid having to be rewritten.)
That's just the desktop stuff. Also have Symbian and MeeGo toolchains around as well, of course, for doing some of that pesky mobile stuff.
Also have 4 and 5 built from git just for playing around with. Plus a few others lying around in various states of repair and disrepair.
I use Qt SDK primary for mobile apps development. Honestly recently I have to use Eclipse and/or Xcode more often than Qt Creator because of the market trends.
I'm using Qt 4.8.2 with QtCreator 2.5.0 as IDE, "MinGW Distro by nuwen":http://nuwen.net/mingw.html with GCC 4.6.3 as compiler and Python GDB from some version of SDK as debugger.
Qt 4.8.2 from git and Qt 5 from git, built using MinGW-w64 4.7.1 i686 and x86_64 and MSVC2010.
QtCreator from git using Qt 4.8.2.For all those who do not want to compile Qt or QtCreator on their own (it may take a while) but still want to use the latest and greatest I suggest a visit at "builds.qt-project.org":http://builds.qt-project.org/.