Virtual keyboard doesn't open although it exists when focusing TextInput or TextEdit elements.
I'm trying to open the virtual keyboard when my TextInput element gets focus, but nothing happens.
To clarify what I try to do the following code snippet:
@TextInput {
id: inputName
text: (inputName.activeFocus) ? "" : qsTr("Please insert some text...")
activeFocusOnPress: false
height: 20
width: 200MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if(!inputName.activeFocus){ inputName.forceActiveFocus(); inputName.openSoftwareInputPanel(); } else { inputName.focus = false; } } onPressAndHold: inputName.closeSoftwareInputPanel();
anchors.fill: parent
@The code is just the same as described on this page:
Ciao xardas008
I'm not a guru, but had the same problem. I almost solved it with something like the following:
@Rectangle {
id: lineEdit
property alias text: input.text
[...]TextInput { id: input text: "text here" [...] } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { input.focus = true input.openSoftwareInputPanel(); } } Keys.onReturnPressed: { lineEdit.focus = true input.closeSoftwareInputPanel(); } Keys.onEnterPressed: { lineEdit.focus = true input.closeSoftwareInputPanel(); }
with openSoftwareInputPanel() you can force the show up of the virtual keyboard
It seems to work on Symbian Belle, Anna and S60 5th but only on latest SW releases.Hope this trick works for you as well. I found it somewhere on the forum but cannot find it anymore
bye -
my mistake, but this works on mobile solution not on desktop as far as I know.
I have no idea, but a virtual keyboard in window should be a process that you can launch... if you find the name for the program you run it maybe