Partial overriding
@#ifndef PRODUCT_H
#define PRODUCT_H
#include <QString>class Product {
QString m_Description;
double m_PricePerItem;
int m_NoOfItems;public:
Product(QString d,double p,int n);
virtual void sell(int n);
};#endif // PRODUCT_H
#include "product.h"
Product::Product(QString d,double p,int n):m_Description(d),m_PricePerItem(p),
m_NoOfItems(n){}void Product::sell(int n) {
if (m_NoOfItems > 0) {
m_NoOfItems -= n;}
#include "product.h"
#include <QDate>class FoodProduct:public Product {
QDate m_SellByDate;public:
FoodProduct(QString d,double p,int n,QDate sbd):Product(d,p,n),
m_SellByDate (sbd){}//overriden sell function
void sell(int n);
#endif // FOODPRODUCT_H**FoddProduct.cpp
#include "foodproduct.h"
void FoodProduct::sell(int n) {
if (QDate::currentDate() < m_SellByDate) {}
}**@The sell function in FoodProduct ensures that the product has not expired and then it reduces the no of items in stock by the requested number only if there is sufficient no of items in stock. It uses partial overriding.
so it is something like:
if (QDate::currentDate() < m_SellByDate) { //check if it is expired
The sell() function in Product should be invoked with the request (n) that is asked by the client. how?
See "here":
void FoodProduct::sell(int n) {
if (QDate::currentDate() < m_SellByDate) {