Regarding loading the form file at runtime
Hi All
Following are my environment details
Editor------------->VS2010 + Qt addin 1.1.9
QT---------------->4.7.4I want to develop and give my UI to one of my friend who has developed one QT Application
and his application will be launching my UI though some menu.So I taught i will create a QtLibrary Project which will generate a dll as output.
And i added a ui file to this project. Now i want my friends application to lanch my ui file so we did some thing likethis.@
#include "exe_plugin_dll.h"
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "qfile.h"
#include "QtUiTools\quiloader.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QUiLoader loader;
QFile file("C:\Users\ininkur\Desktop\Germany_Projects\Plugin_dll_demo\Plugin_dll_demo\tester.ui");;
QWidget *formWidget = loader.load(&file);
return a.exec();
Note :- tester.ui is the ui file which i added in my QtLibrary Project.The above code is working fine.
But in debug mode it is not going inside the constructor of the Tester class.Wat may be the problem.