C++ QObject’s Child Management
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QWidget>int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
QApplication app (argc, argv);
QWidget window;QLabel* label = new QLabel("Please enter some text"); QTextEdit* textEdit = new QTextEdit; QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addwidget(label); layout->addwidget(textEdit); window.setLayout(layout); window.show; return app.exec();
1.Qt provides a child management facility through the QObject class. Where is the QObject in the program above? Explain
2.The QObject class provides the function setParent(QObject *parent) to specify a Qbject to be its parent. Why is this function not use in this program?
3.The program uses both heap and stack objects. Explain how the parnt-child facility works when the:
a.parent is a heap obhect and the child objects are stack objects
b.parent is a stack obhect and the child objects are heap objects[Edit:Please, wrap code in @ tags /Vass]
That sounds like a verbatim copy of a assignment;-)
My answer is:
- For the child management, the QObject has to pass reference to the child, for example:
@QWidget window;
QLabel* label = new QLabel("Please enter some text",&window);
QTextEdit* textEdit = new QTextEdit(&window);
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(&window);@in this way they are registered in a window object, and whenever window is deleted, those objects will be deleted as well.
I want to make sure is correct
You are so lazy.. even to use "code" brackets? :)
Why are you not asking the people that are paid to teach you?
How about proposing an answer for us to discuss?
Where are your questions on the topic?
You got the first one wrong... The code is OK as is I think.