QML + OpenGL = No Smooth Fonts?
I'm writing QML application and there is a lot of transformations and effects.
I have enabled OpenGL Acceleration by this code:
@QApplication::setGraphicsSystem("opengl");@Or I have tried this:
@ QGLFormat format = QGLFormat(QGL::DirectRendering|QGL::DoubleBuffer);
QGLWidget glWidget(format);
mainWindow.setViewport(&glWidget);@The same result: all become works faster.
There is a lot texts with animating by property scale.
But it is problem on Debian 6 Linux, if I enable OpenGL acceleration than all fonts become sharpness.
Seems AntiAliasing become disabled and it looks bad..
I have tried enabling font AntiAlias by KDE settings, but it not helps, all fonts is smooth except my program.
I have tried to scale text to 0.5 and double font.pointSize but it not helps.
On Windows it works fine with OpenGL enabled.
All images that uses same effect (by scale property) shows smooth.
How can I fix it?
Is there way to render text into Image and show text as image?PS: Sorry for my bad English.
Here the link: http://habrahabr.ru/post/133126/
It is on Russian, but you can try read example code.[quote author="XLeopard" date="1336813650"]I am learning OpenGL too.
But I don't know how to import 3D models in it.
Can you help me ?[/quote]