qt project for yocto
Mobile and Embedded
Hi all
We want to use Qt application in our yocto project. i have some doubt. which is mention below.
- can we build the qt-receipe for Machine qemux86_64?
- is meta-toolchain-qt5 building required for yocto when before adding qt-receipe in custom layer?
- how can we write receipe for qt-application?
we are using meta-qt5 (nanbield).
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards -
can we build the qt-receipe for Machine qemux86_64?
both meta-qt5 and meta-qt6 don't provide machine images.
for QEMU you can refer https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev-manual/qemu.htmlmaybe you are looking for Boot2Qt rather than just meta-qt.
how can we write receipe for qt-application?
see here