CMake and Mobile Apps Qt 6.7+ Articles public
As first I ported 20 mobile business apps (Android, iOS) from Qt 5.15 QMake to Qt 6.6 QMake.
Took 9 months of hard work - here's my CheckList.The next step was the hardest one:
to understand HowTo build complex mobile Apps with CMake - without any knowledge of CMake and Build Systems are really not my domain.Last 3 months step by step I tried to find out HowTo. Wasn't easy because there are always many different ways to go.
For non-mobile QML apps there's Qt doc Building a QML Application, unfortunately there's no Qt Page demonstrating the recommended way for mobile apps from build to publish-to-the-stores.Now my Articles about CMake and Mobile Apps are public :)
There is a GitHub project accompanying the blog articles from which you can download CMakeLists.txt, Info.plist, and more.
Hopefully my work will help other devs to start with Mobile Apps and CMake - it's the right time: Qt just has published better conditions for Small Business :)
Thanks and congratulations for the porting !
@SGaist thx. Not all are ported yet, but I'm now prepared ;-)
When 6.7.1 is released, I'll finally port all my apps using the recipes I developed for QMake-to-CMake.