Can I have horizontal west-sided tabs ?
Hello !
I am currently trying to design my app and I have been using the QTabWidget since it felt like it was the easiest way to adapt for my use case.
The only thing I kinda dont like is the way QtDesign allows me to place my tabs.
QtDesign puts the tabs as in case 1 on the image, meanwhile I think it would look better like case 2.
Is there a way to do it using QSS or QtDesign studio ?
Not that I am aware of but it might be worth a feature request.
@Christian-Ehrlicher Oh.. alright... I might do the feature request but until then, how could I achieve this functionality, without the tab widget ?
This isn't the place to ask questions about QtDesigner which deals with QWidgets. This channel/forum is about Qt Design Studio which uses QML/QtQuick. Have a read about what the difference is here
You might get more answers on your question in a different channel/forum.
This is about Qt tools which includes QtCreator and it's QtDesigner
Depending on your coding skills you could also ask in general, because what you want get potentially be achieved without QtDesigner involved.
S SGaist moved this topic from Qt Design Studio on
@Henning-G thread moved
@GAlbert said in Can I have horizontal west-sided tabs ?:
until then, how could I achieve this functionality, without the tab widget ?
I am not sure if there is some setting for the tab widget to change the behavior. However, you could use buttons in a vertical layout (without any margins) on the left and a QStackedWidget for the right portion. The buttons would then toggle the different pages of the stacked widget. Some additional styling on the buttons and nobody will know the difference.