No rule to make target ‘FireboyWaterGirl.’ Stop.
So, project FireboyWaterGirl is a Qt project my team and I have been working on for over a month for a course project we are taking in uni. Recently, I worked on SQLite and Qt, preparing a db to be connected to the game to track highest scores. It was running perfectly fine, then I pushed and ran and shows me “No rule to make target ‘FireboyWaterGirl.’ Stop.” FireboyWaterGirl is the folder inside the repo that contains the actual Qt files and classes. Now, I tried fixing it using what other forums have suggested, but nothing worked. I tried checking where exactly the error is by running another Qt project that was working just fine the other day, and it provided me with the same error, except it was “No rule to make target ‘bookstore.’ Stop.” Bookstore here is also the name of the folder that includes everything related to that project and Qt in the repo. My team mates are also facing the same error. I tried deleting my local repo and cloning again and it still showed the same error. I understand it’s an error with makefile but I have no clue how to fix it. I’m just a beginner to all of this. Any help would be great because the deadline for the project is tmrw.
Thanks in advance! -
Please post your .pro file (if using qmake) or CMakeLists.txt (if using cmake), maybe we'll spot some error there.