BUG while using QDesigner "goto slot"
For unknown reason , I am unable to post this bug .
The slot function is placed within #ifdef #endif area in an unused file.
The correct file , renamed copy of the original file works as expected.
Fortunately I can "undo" this faulty addition.I would be grateful if somebody could pass this to Qt inc. as a bug report.
This bug make adding new slot a hard task.
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
This behavior points at a corrupted project tree. It can happen e.g. when files were moved or renamed on disk, without using the rename function of Qt Creator. So the bug is outside of Qt. If memory serves well, we had a discussion about project file structure in another thread. That’s probably related. I also seem to remember that you asked the question before, in answered it, you reported a bug and I closed it for exactly the reason I explained.