Style Sheet doesn't work for QTableWidget (or QTableView)
I want to change color of QTableWidget that i created. However, I can not change anything using style sheet. Before run the project, i can see the changes but after run i can not see anything in the interface.
QHeaderView::section { color:purple; background-color:#232326; }
Like this in mainwindow.ui.
Nevetheless, i get this result in the interface after running.
Just in edit table widget properties, i can change colors. But one by one. It is not a good option. How to solve this problem?
The QTablewidget in a QWidget. So I tried to use style sheet in the QWidget. That solved my problem.
What Qt version, what OS? If you are running Qt 6.7.0 on windows 11 then start your app with '-style windowsvista'
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@Christian-Ehrlicher Qt version is 6.6.3 windows 11.
The QTablewidget in a QWidget. So I tried to use style sheet in the QWidget. That solved my problem.