Newbie help with integrating GUI into existing CLI app
haiii, everyone, I've been assigned the task of writing some GUI TCP/IP app in C++(QtQuick/QML), as a part of basecamp programme. (sorry if my language is not very clear in some way, English is not my first)
So the catch here is that I've alredy written app with the same logic with CLI, and i really don't have a lot of time to rewrite it in QT-style from scratch.
And having literally zero experience with Qt toolchain and workflow, I came here to ask you:
Can I really integrate GUI into my project without major refactoring?
If the refactoring is necessary, how do I even include my project, except adding it's folder to Qt project? (diff build systems, originally project is built by Makefile and Qt6 uses CMake)
If you know any examples of such task, please provide. Also will ve very grateful for NOT!-detailed guide (as I convinced that i should figure-out at least some minor things by myself).
Original project repo included, if someone has any suggestions or recommendations about implementation, let me know, as I'm self-taught and under a year of learning, always looking for improvement.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I would suggest you take a look at Qt's network module examples.
Especially the fortune client and server. This should give you a starting point.