Checking installation and properly using Qt6.3.2 Platform plug-in
So, I'm taking this Udemy course on Qt6+ C++ GUI & Mobile apps and I'm in Section 22 Videos #167 - 170 (4 parts) . The 1st 3 parts ran fine but after adding this code:
import Qt.labs.platform as Platform
and trying to create this QML code:
// Part 4
Platform.FileDialog {
id: fileOpenDialog
title: "Select an Image"
folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.DocumentsLocation)
nameFilters: [
"Image files (*.png *.jpeg *.jpg)",
onAccepted: {
image.source = fileOpenDialog.file
The line with Platform.FileDialog flags an error at that line of "Unknown component (U300). I tried to remove the build by deleting it in File Explorer, re-opening this AndroidImageViewer project, cleaning it and rebuilding but comes up with the same failure.
Note: re-opening the project caused it to build the original build configuration before I could even clean it.So, how do I check if the Platform plug-in is correctly installed and where is it installed?
If not installed, how do I download and install the Platform plug-in?
And, how do I remove the original build configuration and start from scratch?Thanks, JT