Can we prevent automatic video flushing with QMediaPlayer?
A few months ago, I reported a "bug" that occurs since 6.5.3 where media end on a black screen (see: Rapidly, the "error" was identified as an automatic flushing, and they opened PRs to address that (see: Unfortunately, no further updates were done since November 2023...
In the meantime, is there a way for me to prevent the automatic flushing at the end of a media? I.e., avoid the black screen and keep the last frame on.
Having pinged the ticket is a good first step.
The next you can to is test drive the proposed patch. The one named "Propose API". That way, you can see if it does what you need, and then comment on the patch itself to help it move forward.
Hi @SGaist, sorry for the late reply, I did not receive any notification.
The "Propose API" seems to be tackling the second issue (bad frame) but not the flushing.
Also, is there an easy way to test it with Python (e.g., cloning the repo and building PySide6 locally) ?