QT PositionSource / MagicLane slow
Hi everyone,
I've embarked on a project involving a GPS receiver and QT, utilizing PositionSource and Magiclane. I'm currently using an example file to verify if everything works before diving into coding the entire application.
Here's the code I'm using:
// Importing necessary modules import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import GeneralMagic 2.0 import FpsCounter 1.0 import QtPositioning 5.12 import QtLocation 5.9 // Main window setup Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Positioning") // Setting up PositionSource for GPS PositionSource { id: qtPositionSource name: "serialnmea" active: true PluginParameter { name: "serialnmea.serial_port"; value: "COM6" } Component.onCompleted: ServicesManager.dataSource.setPositionSource(qtPositionSource) } // Content updater setup property var updater: ServicesManager.contentUpdater(ContentItem.Type.RoadMap) Component.onCompleted: { ServicesManager.dataSource.setPositionSource(qtPositionSource) ServicesManager.settings.token = __my_secret_token; ServicesManager.logLevel = ServicesManager.Error; ServicesManager.settings.allowInternetConnection = true; // enable connection to online services updater.autoApplyWhenReady = true; updater.update(); } // FPS counter setup FpsCounter { id: fpsCounter } // MapView setup MapView { id: map anchors.fill: parent viewAngle: 25 zoomLevel: 69 viewPerspective: MapView.ViewPerspective.View3D buildingsVisibility: MapView.BuildingsVisibility.Show3D detailsQualityLevel: MapView.DetailsQualityLevel.Medium gestures: MapView.Gesture.Pan | MapView.Gesture.PanEnableVelocity | MapView.Gesture.Pinch | MapView.Gesture.Rotate | MapView.Gesture.Tilt Text { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top text: fpsCounter.fps } Component.onCompleted: startFollowingPosition() // follow current position } }
However, the application isn't registering my inputs, such as moving around, and the time it takes to display my current location on the map is unreasonably long (around 7/8 minutes after launching the app). I attempted to code an app for testing purposes, and while my inputs are registered, the time it takes to show my current location remains excessively long. The function responsible for displaying the position is
.I tried to debug the app for 3/4 hours but I can't seem to find the issue with it.
Any suggestions are welcome
Thanks -
@WilliamH07 I just tried to open the app, and it's nearly instantaneous, and it immediately locates itself upon opening. However, 5 seconds later, after closing and reopening the app, it takes 7 to 8 minutes.