Qt executables missing in 6.6.3\msvc2019_arm64\bin folder
I'm new to QT.
I'm using VS with QT Tools.
I've installed Qt 6.6.3 using the maintenance tool, msvc2019 for both x64 and arm64.
Windows 11 ARM on Parallels Desktop.Now I can build and deploy my Qt project with x64. But when I try to do the trick with arm64, I face problems that moc.exe and windeployqt.exe are missing from the corresponding bin folder.
So I copy moc.exe manually and it works. But this trick does not work for windeployqt.exe. Even if I copy the whole bin folder, the resulting Qt dlls seem to be broken (may be a platform mismatch).
Maybe the exe missing in the bin folder needs to prevent users from building arm64 usuall way. But I can't find any guide on how to build and deploy for arm64. Anyway manual coping executables from 64 to arm64 folder seems too hacky to be correct way.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should check the bug report system. You should indeed not have to copy stuff around.
@SGaist Bug report created: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-123870