Can anybody explain why import statment behave differently ?
in my qml file when i use
below statement it not working
//import Comps 1.0
when i write below statement it works fine
import "Comps" 1.0
it will be great if any body can help why it not working with first statement ?
because 1st statement shows module not installed
Hello, some notes:
It would be interesting if you could give us a bit more context about what your file hierarchy is so we can answer you more accurately.
Normally, when you "import Comps 1.0" it is because the module should be installed (referenced) in: the environment variable $QML_IMPORT_PATH or in the path $QT_DIR/qml for Qt Creator projects or in $QT_DIR/../Tools/<Your Qt Design Studio Version>/qt6_design_studio_reduced_version/qml or otherwise with the call to the qmlRegisterType<> macro.
# make IDEs aware of the QML import path set(QML_IMPORT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/qml CACHE PATH "Path to the custom QML components defined by the project") C:\Qt\6.6.2\msvc2019_64\qml\Comps C:\Qt\Tools\QtDesignStudio-4.1.0-lts\qt6_design_studio_reduced_version\qml\Comps qmlRegisterType<CategoryModel>("Comps", 1, 0, "CategoryModel");
- When you do "import "Comps" 1.0" you are importing a relative path from the qml file where you are located.
I hope I have clarified something for you
@Qt-embedded-developer said in Can anybody explain why import statment behave differently ?:
in my qml file when i use
below statement it not working
//import Comps 1.0
marks the beginning of a single line QML comment.