pyside6-uic with customwidget
I have a Qt project created in Qt designer wich use a ressource file myapp.qrc and a customwidget.
I can convert the myapp.ui file to a python script with the following command :
pyside6-uic -o myapp.ui
Then I get the following code inside :
from custom_widget import pathLineEdit
import myapp_rcI need to deploy my project as a python package, so I would like to use relative imports.
Therefore I added the option --from-imports to pyside6-uic :pyside6-uic --from-imports -o myapp.ui
Then I get :
from custom_widget import pathLineEdit
from . import myapp_rcIt seems that the --from-imports options didn't change anything for my custom_widget.
What is the proper way to have relative import for customwidget with pyside6-uic ?
Best regards,
From reading the docs the option
is only applicable to resource files. (UnderResource Imports
).I believe you might have to modify the file manually?