Page Components not working in Stackview
I have an Application Window where I have created stackview and loading several pages. When loaded,the components inside the pages are visible but the mouseclick and other events are not working.
Display_Page { id:main_page background: Rectangle { color:"transparent" } } StackView { id:stack anchors.fill:parent initialItem: main_page }
In this code,the Components inside the main_page object is visible but events are not working. When separately running that page in another individual application,it is working
@Vijaykarthikeyan What about this ?
StackView { id:stack anchors.fill:parent initialItem: Display_Page { id:main_page background: Rectangle { color:"white" } } }
@Ronel_qtmaster Yes It is working.Thank you so much.Can u Please explain Why? Because I couldn't find anything in the forum.
@Vijaykarthikeyan Hi.I think it might be related to the transparent color.Also, when you customize a control, make sure to define the width/implicitwidth and height/implecitheight .You can find more details in the documentation